breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
Royal Commission Live Hearing Now
by LostinJapan inwednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
breakfast of champions
How much you want to bet Jackson is in a limo back to the airport right now? -
Royal Commission Live Hearing Now
by LostinJapan inwednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
breakfast of champions
I fell asleep in the past hour (it's after 2AM right now)
Wow. Wow. Wow.
the rumor again surfaces....
by sowhatnow insomeone please tell me how or if i can find proof that the rumor [that is pasted below] that was posted by a friend [still in, but should know better] on my face book page is false, [which of course we all know it is,] this makes me so angry, i have to stick my neck out and comment on this post but need something to back me up....anyone want to enlighten me where this got started?
i need proof he never said such a thing, it seems to me its false.
whats interesting is this, the bible in the photo accompanying the statement below is the latest version.... [photo].
breakfast of champions
Unless there's a video of this incident on YouTube, it didn't happen. 😎 -
Royal Commission Live Hearing Now
by LostinJapan inwednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
breakfast of champions
It's been less than 10 minutes of O'Brien testifying, and so far he's told the truth!
Branch Service Department Manual approves appointing Child molestors as Elders
by stuckinamovement in
breakfast of champions
I am eagerly awaiting the RCs questions regarding this document.
I think it's the most damning one of all.
[Day 6 - 4/8]The Royal Commissions investigation of child sexual abuse within Jehovah’s Witnesses. + VIDEO
by C0ntr013r inunfortunately, part 1 will not be available until later, but i thought i give you the other parts anyway .
day six of the proceedings:.
part 2 has been uploaded and part 3,4 and (5?
breakfast of champions
I am shocked that so far, the commission hasn't questioned anyone over that 2013 letter from the U.S. Branch to all branch service departments outlining the conditions under which a child abuser may be appointed an elder.
Personally I found this to be the most damning of all evidence they gathered.
I'm wondering if the commission isn't "building" towards it. I can't imagine how they will even try to dodge it. . . . .
Find it in wifi bandits above link under "Guidelines for Branch"
breakfast of champions
Yes! Finally a "bethel heavy" on deck! -
Contacted by Royal Commission today
by umbertoecho infirstly, thank you to anyone who is in support of this rc.
no one has shown anything but great interest and empathy for those who were abused.. i don't know who this simonsays character is though and i find him to be very rude and ignorant.
it takes all kinds to make the world go round i suppose.. today i was contacted by a staff member of the royal commission.
breakfast of champions
Excellent UMBERTO!
As another poster on this board remarked, sunlight is an excellent disinfectant.
[Day 5 - 3/8]The Royal Commissions investigation of child sexual abuse within Jehovah’s Witnesses. + VIDEO
by C0ntr013r inso, i am back at it.
i give you day 5 of the royal commissions proceedings:.
part 1 has been uploaded and part 2,3 and 4 will soon be available.. part 1:.
breakfast of champions
STEWART: Mr De Rooy, what did you have for breakfast?
DEROOY: [smiling sheepishly] ummmmmm. . . . . I can't recall.
STEWART: Ceratinly Mr De Rooy you had some sort of breakfast before appearing at this royal commission?
DEROOY: I didn't have time.
STEWART: You are telling us you did not have time for breakfast.
DEROOY: [turning red] ummmmmmmmmmm.. . . . Perhaps I did have something for breakfast, but I do not recall what.
STEWART: Scrambled eggs?
STEWART: Yogurt?
STEWART: Perhaps a cup of coffee?
DEROOY: I don't recall a cup of coffee.
STEWART: A bowl of Wheaties breakfast cereal?
DEROOY: Yes! Yes! That is what I had. It's the Breakfast of Champions!
Royal Commission live streamingstarting soon!
by possum inaugust.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
breakfast of champions
Thanks again to CONTROL3R for the YouTube of Monty (I was too bushed to stay up til 2AM EST!)My thoughts: this guy is no apostate. . . not by a long shot. Perhaps that is how he feels, but what I see (and I think others here see as well) is someone who never shook the brainwashing and got to the bottom of what exactly their experience in JWs was, which is indeed a cult experience. No he's not a JW, but he really never rooted it from his mind.
That being said, I think overall he was a good witness and provided a contrast to the mind-numbing answers of current elders.
So, does anyone know who's up tonight , i.e. Tuesday August 4, 10AM Sydney time?